HelloHello NG pals!
I really like this websites News/blog function thingy and I wanna use it more to just spew words n shit, Gonna try to do semi-regular lil status reports on whats goin on in the world of Emizip for the 3 people that care.
Most of the time I don't really have much goin on but I've been very productive lately!! Sadly most of the stuff I've been productive with is not ready to be shown off or I simply can't talk about it yet so this one will be a quickie to get us goin
lets chat a bit! :3
Artsy fartsy
I've been kicking back into gear with art posting and im very very proud of how far my art has come since I started !!
For example I redrew one of my older pieces recently with
Original for Reference:
My other recent stuffs include:
Which I honestly blew my own mind with! It might not seem like anything special to the more experience on here but I really didn't think I would ever be able to draw stuff like this.
edit: i finished this today so im adding it in post :)
Fun fact for the people that may not have known about me for long but I only recently started doing art, I was always more of a Gamedev-y person doing backed on projects or QAing modjunk for steam games. The absolute majority of my artistic stuff is on this here website because me joining newgrounds is what got me drawing seriously in the first place! I wanna keep as much of my shitty early stuff up as possible so that one day, when im making crazy cool shit, you can go back and see where i started out! I think im kinda lucky to be able to have the start of my art journey so easily accessible. Its kinda funny actually, Pre-Newgrounds it was always weird that I *didnt draw*. I grew up around artists and like every friend group ive been in over the years had a bunch of art people in em but the peer pressure never hit until NG so I got all yall to thank for that ig haha
I feel like a lot of people would be discouraged by "starting late" when every artist i know has been drawing since they were like 2 but I try to champion it, I try to take notes on the people around me's art to learn as I go and experiment the best I can with everything I put out (even non-art stuff!) so I can maximize my growth while still enjoying the ride! Its always better to make smth shitty than something boring.
I'm gonna use this opportunity to post some Sketches/doodles that I havent shared otherwise since I think seeing this stuff is interesting (another fun fact, I did not use a sketch layer until *very* recently, I just started with the lineart like a dummy)
(the sweater used to be more complicated but I got stuck on it really badly when i got to coloring so I simplified for my own sanity, there was also a mannequin ig but who cares)
Twitch shit
Outside of the NG sphere I've been kickin into high gear with my Twitch channel. I started streaming seriously again a couple months back and its been super fun! Also big shoutout to the NG peeps that tune into my streams a bunch (hihi @bluejayng & @pollyanoid !! Its great seeing yall when u pop in) I appreciate the support a ton!
I'm currently doing a play through of the Dead Space remake on there with random other lil games spliced in there. I've also been trying to mix the NG love into my content, recently I went through the NG Pixel day submissions while live, I really like the idea of doin stuff like that so maybe tune in for some NG centric streams if ur into that sorta thing. (Dead Estate? Shoot Trip Die? Random Front Page games? Idk im down for whatever)
On the other side of the content fence my youtube channel is dormat as fuck and I should probably look into reviving it, I have a bunch of content ideas and even some unfinished videos I already recorded but i'm just super lazy about editing rn so we'll just have to see with that one
(screenshots from videos i never finished)
birthday :)
As I type this its 2am on the 18th of february, thats my birthday! I turn 20 today
I have no idea what is in store for me today cause the day basically hasnt started yet but hopefully future Emi is hanging out with friends and having a chill af birthday, I hope you reading this also have a chill af birthday if you happen to also have been born today which would be funny & werid
but yea thats about it from me
thank you for taking the time to read through my ramblings, I hope you enjoy all the cool stuff I got planned for this year! big year for emizip fans i promise you
Yoooooo Happy Birthday Emi!!
Your art has been getting better and better! Keep it up! (New piece based on Lovejoy is real good, W song aswell).
If you ever need YT video ideas I love playing VRChat horror games with NGers ;]
Stay Awesome!!